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Final Jubilee Video Submission

Authors must submit the final version of their Jubilee video electronically through the Paperplaza system no later than 23:59:59 Pacific Time on July 21, 2012 (no extensions). Before submitting the final version, authors are expected to revise their Jubilee video and the accompanying extended summary taking into account the feedback from the reviewers. Two pages in the standard IEEE Conference Paper Format based on the LaTeX template or Microsoft Word template are allowed for each extended summary. Only final submissions will be included in the DVD of the conference proceedings and in IEEE Xplore. At least one of the authors listed on the Jubilee video contribution must be registered for the conference when the final version is uploaded. A single regular conference registration can be used to upload two contributions. A single student conference registration can be used to upload one contribution. Before uploading, please check your PDF file for IEEE Xplore compliance and prepare:
1. A Jubilee video (1.5-5 minutes, max. 50MB) in one of the most common media formats;
2. A PDF file of your extended summary (max 2 MB) that has passed the IEEE PDF compliance test;
3. A single PowerPoint slide for the IROS 2012 Digest based on this template; and
4. A Summary.txt and ReadMe.txt file accompanying your Jubilee video (cf. Step 6).
For detailed instructions, please follow the guidelines below.

Step-By-Step Guidelines to Submit Your Final Jubilee Video

Step 1: Prepare your final Jubilee video (1.5-5 minutes, max. 50MB). Please do not use special codecs (coders/decoders) in order to provide as much portability across platforms as possible. Using MPEG-1 or MPEG-4 video formats is strongly recommended.
Accepted Jubilee video contributions will be included in the DVD Conference proceedings and also in IEEE Xplore. There, the Jubilee video will appear together with the PDF of the extended summary.

Step 2: Prepare your final extended summary using the available LaTeX or Microsoft Word templates and following these paper preparation instructions. Make sure to have the latest templates and do not change the formatting in any way. The extended summary should be in PDF format and not exceeding 2MB.

Step 3: Check that the names of all authors and their order is identical in the PaperPlaza submission system, the Jubilee video, the extended summary, the digest page. Please write author names with only the first letter capitalized, that is, use "Firstname Lastname" in all instances and do not use "FIRSTNAME LASTNAME" anywhere.

Step 4: Perform the IEEE PDF compliance test of your extended summary. If it does not pass the test, you cannot continue and may read the PDF Test Help to revise the format of your extended summary until it passes the test.

Step 5: During the conference, a Digest will be distributed to all participants. Please prepare one (and only one) PowerPoint slide that illustrates your Jubilee video. You must only use the PowerPoint template available here. Please do not change the template and keep fonts and font sizes as prepared in the template. Please also note that the digest will be printed in black and white, and a color version will be available on the conference website.

Step 6: Please prepare the following two plain text files:
1. Summary.txt file (max 1 KB). Describe in five sentences or less the contents or value of the Jubilee video. This file helps IEEE Xplore users to make downloading decisions.
2. ReadMe.txt file (max 10 KB). This file must include the following sections:
a. Description: An overall description of the objects and what the audience can expect to gain by downloading them;
b. Player Information: Provide the minimum version of the player software that is required to play the submitted files. Include the name of the software, the version number, and any special requirements for the player;
c. Contact Information: The author should provide contact information in case users have questions regarding the extended material. IEEE will not provide any technical support.
Note that both of the above files should be in plain text format and have a .txt extension. They are needed by IEEE in order to include the Jubilee video in IEEE Xplore.

Step 7: To process the copyright transfer for each contribution, follow the "Copyright Transfer" link, and you will be taken to the IEEE copyright transfer site (IEEE eCP) in a new window. Follow the steps as described on IEEE eCP pages and make sure that the Jubilee video title and author list are correct before your perform the copyright transfer.

Step 8: Upload the following files:
1. A Jubilee video (1.5-3 minutes, max. 50MB) plus a Summary.txt and ReadMe.txt file accompanying your Jubilee video (cf. Step 6);
2. A PDF file of your extended summary (max 2 MB) that has passed the IEEE Xplore compliance test;
3. A single PowerPoint slide for the IROS 2012 Digest based on this template.

Initial Submission Information (Past Information)

To celebrate the 25th edition of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 1988-2012), a call for IROS Jubilee Videos is launched!

Videos of 1.5 to 5 minutes illustrating the history and/or milestones in intelligent robotics and/or intelligent systems in the last 25 years are sought for this IROS 2012 edition.

Contributed Jubilee Videos will be regarded and peer-reviewed as separate contributed submissions with respect to multimedia attachments to contributed papers.

Accepted Jubilee Videos will be presented in parallel video sessions within the IROS 2012 program. Accepted Jubilee Video contributions (with the accompanying files, as described in the submission guidelines) will be included in the CD/DVD Proceedings of IROS 2012 and will be archived in IEEE XPlore.

A Jubilee Video is expected to be a stand-alone contribution, self-explanatory contribution with thanks to a comprehensive English narration.

Jubilee Video contributions should focus on one or more of the following:

  • One specific major achievement/milestone in intelligent robotics and/or intelligent systems research in the last 25 years.
  • A general historical review of robotics and/or intelligent systems research in the last 25 years.
  • An historical review of a specific area of robotics and/or intelligent systems in the last 25 years.

Jubilee video contributions may include:

  • Old video segments of past results in intelligent robotics and/or intelligent systems research;
  • Presentation of the key aspects of a proposed solution or technology;
  • Original materials from past experiments as well as on recent research and/or industrial application developments directly deriving from exploitation of the initial findings.

Videos can be produced in a very creative way and for a wide variety of audience, from students through researchers to the general public. Industrial/commercial pitch should be avoided.

Best IROS Jubilee Video Award

A dedicated Award will be assigned to recognize the most outstanding IROS Jubilee Video. The Award is a unique prize for this special IROS Jubilee edition!

The winner will be awarded US$ 1,750 prize, one free IROS 2012 registration (will be reimbursed for the winner) and a certificate. Co-winners will share the Award prize.

The Award will be announced and presented during IROS 2012 conference.
To be eligible for the award, candidates must be authors of an IROS Jubilee Video. Authors must be members of IEEE, or RSJ, or SICE.

The Jubilee Videos, considered for the Award, will be evaluated with regard to: technical merit, completeness of the historical overview on the specific milestone/contribution, quality and clarity of the video and of the narration, quality of the presentation at the IROS 2012 conference.

Jubilee Video submission guidelines

Jubilee Videos contributions should be submitted via Paperplaza, following the dedicated JUBILEE VIDEO SUBMISSION channel.

Jubilee Video contributions must consist of a self-contained 1.5-5 minutes single video file (not exceeding 50MB), accompanied by a self-contained extended summary in the form of a PDF file (up to 2 pages long and not exceeding 2MB). Moreover, two text files are required by IEEE Xplore for archival purposes of video material: summary.txt (describing in few lines the content of the video) and readme.txt (describing the technical characteristics of the video).

Jubilee Video contributions should not have a commercial. The authors of each video must have clear copyright of the audio and visual content. If experiments on humans and/or animal models are reported in the video, the corresponding author must declare under her/his sole responsibility that the experimental protocol was compliant with International Ethics regulation.

Jubilee Video contributions should not use special codecs (coders/decoders) in order to provide as much portability across platforms as possible. It is mandatory to use the most common media formats (mpg, mpeg 1 or mpeg 4). Any other extensions will be blocked. Only freely available players (e.g., QuickTime, RealPlayer, Microsoft Windows Media Player, MPlayer) should be required for viewing the video. Providing video portability is a responsibility of the authors, also in their interest. The IROS 2012 Organizing Committee reserves the right to reject without review video contributions that do not comply with these guidelines and/or contain inappropriate material (e.g. commercial or unethical content).

The text of the accompanying extended summary should provide an outline of the work presented, references to papers that provide more details about the work as well as related work. For the preparation of the extended summary of a Jubilee Video contribution, please follow the instructions for paper contribution, with the exception that the length should be (at most) 2 pages in the specified conference double-column format.
It is strongly suggested to write the summary using the available LaTeX or MS Word templates. Please do not change the formatting in any way. If you choose not to use these templates, please make sure that your file strictly adheres to the formatting instructions. The summary must be IEEE PDF compliant as specified in the instructions on the paper contributions.

Templates for the Extended Summary of the Jubilee Video Contributions
- LaTeX Templates:
- MS Word Templates:
For further information and guidelines for submission, please contact the Video Session Chair: Dr. Raffaella Carloni (

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